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Microsoft Flow : Get started with it

Microsoft Flow is one of the product of Office 365, with it you can automate a lot of actions without any skills of developers, you can see below a few examples of what is it possible.

One really great thing with Flow it's that Flow can interact with things outside of Office 365 like

To get started with it, i will show you how to create your first simple workflow.

Automatic creation of events in a different calendar

Some people like to have both personal events and professional events in the same calendar, but maybe you want to have your personal events copied inside another calendar to share with your wife or husband or just because in weekend you use a personal mobile phone and you don't want to sync the calendar of work on it, for all these reasons and maybe a lot more you can set up a workflow inside Microsoft Flow to copy specifics events to another calendar.

The example is to copy events from a specific category to a google calendar

Open Microsoft Flow from Office 365 Toolbar

In the menu select "Create form blank"

Choose "Office 365 Outlook"

Sign in to your Office 365 account and like the image (down) choose "When an event is created"

Select your Calendar in the dropdown menu

Clic "New Step" and choose "Add a condition"

In object name choose "Category"

in the value, write the name of the category that you use in Outlook for your personal events, for me the category is called Personal but it can be different for you

Select the service calendar where you want to copy the events, in this example it will be google calendar

Click on "Create an event"

Sign in to the service and after

Choose the calendar of destination and select the value informations you want to have in your destination calendar, at least choose start time and End time and title.

Last step, give a name to your Flow and click "Create flow"

Now each time you create an event with the right category, the event will be automatically copy to your second calendar.

There is a lot of different actions you can do, i let you discover it by yourself.

Sylvain Jacquemard


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